#gv – I am grateful for mom

She is so amazing and kind and helpful and able to have such a big perspective on so many things. I respect her so much and I’m amazed by her abilities and things she has been able to do in her life. She really is one of the coolest. I love my family so much. They are the best family for me and I hope I can figure out how to be more loving to them. Best part probably is that she helped me remember today that when I thought I saw something I was way wrong and didn’t actually see it – I almost went but didn’t. The thing about the silliness going on is it’s only a problem if you believe it maybe? Since I’m way wrong about everything I thought I saw it’s all fine and sometimes we can just be grateful for all we don’t know. Please bless us all. May all of us always be wrong and just love each other and love being alive as best we can.

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