I started this site to help me focus on things I am grateful for and finding a way to create
#gv I am grateful for this site and for reminders to be grateful.
This site I guess really is helping me to figure out how to create love.
#gv – I am grateful for today
I am grateful for husband and children. For going to the park this week, for listening to pep talks and
#gv – I am grateful for today
I am grateful that I am learning and really super grateful for what I can learn and love each day.
#gv – I am grateful for this boy!
I am so grateful for this sweet boy. He turns 4 today! And wow has he changed everything in huge
#gv – I am grateful for my busy mind
I am grateful for flexible thinking and grateful for the AI being fed to us. I am grateful to learn
#gv – I am grateful for time to think
I am grateful when I can have quiet to think but even more grateful for when I can be with
#gv – I am grateful for it all
I am grateful for the journey. Though I also hate it. It does make life more interesting.
#gv – I am grateful for church
I am grateful I can go to a church and learn about Jesus and service and love and kindness. I
#gv – grateful for my sweet kids
Really what I’m most grateful for most days. I love this family so much and crave the day I can